A story from Parry & Welch Solicitors, Dog Law Specialists….
2 years ago, the same police force that placed Hewy a beloved Ambull pet with our client seized him when he was alleged to have caused a minor injury to an owner of a smaller dog when he picked his dog up to prevent Hewy meeting him.
Hewy’s owner disputed the case against her and Hewy and the case was listed for trial. After many adjournments and delays the case was finally heard in Newcastle Crown Court last week. The Police Dog Legislation Officer (DLO) was present and before the trial began, he said to both the prosecution and defence barristers that although Hewy was too strong for his owner, he was a nice dog and that he did not need to be killed. As a result of what the police DLO said the prosecution dropped all charges against our client on the basis that Hewy would be re-homed. The judge was told about that agreement in open court and marked on the court’s record “Satisfactorily disposed of. Dog to be rehomed.” He then officially recorded a not guilty verdict.
Our client had the heart-breaking decision to give up ownership of Hewy but she did this so that she knew Hewy would be saved. As part of that agreement made in court, we arranged for Hewy to be re-homed through Carla Lane’s Animals in Need and Rocky’s Army agreed to arrange transport. The police were told this in an email which we can see has been delivered and read.
We have since been notified by the Police Legal Department that they did not believe Hewy could be rehomed, so they have killed him. At present we do not know why or when this happened, but we would like to find out whether this was a tragic mistake or a case where Northumbria Police have deliberately misled everyone concerned with the trial. Northumbria Police’s attitude seems to be that they can do as they like.
It’s too late to save Hewy and we send our deepest condolences to his owner. We remain very grateful to Carla Lane’s Animals in Need and to Rocky’s Army for offering their assistance at short notice.
We will do our best to find out why the police killed Hewy and post updates on this page.
If anyone would like to donate funds to help the owner pursue this matter, then please contact Rocky’s army via the link.https://www.facebook.com/markrileyrockysarmyfightingbsl…